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PI Reading Videos
PI Writing Videos
Simple PI Test
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The Research
Action Research
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Is it OK to Read Upside Down?
My 1st PI Kid
Tiger and Isaiah
Teeco's Story
Dyslexia in the Classroom by Dr.  Dale R. Jordan
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35+ Different Definitions of Dyslexia From the Web
 If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us and we would like to hear from you. 
This entire project was the result of Action Research initiated by me in my First Grade classroom. It is an attempt to explain how and why upside down reading (Print Inversion) seemed to help my lowest performing students. 

If you aren't familiar with what action research looks like in the classroom, here's a link to a PDF file put out by the Teacher's Network Leadership Institute that will help you learn more about it. http://www.teachersnetwork.org/tnli/Action_Research_Booklet.pdf

© S.Round 2010
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