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Print Inverted Reading                     All videos ©S.Round 2010

PI Guided Reading !
Five bright and eager First Graders discover that they can make sense out of print. Notice, as the lesson progresses, how two of the children keep "flipping" from inverted to right-side-up. With encouragement in a non-threatening environment anything is possible!    

YouTube Video

This video was done in 2009 as part of a case study . In this 1st grade class I had two PI readers - both boys. Not only did I ask the principal and the parent's permission to do this, but the mom agreed to be in the video!

YouTube Video

Cole was 11 years old at the time we recorded this video. He (and his mom) are both diagnosed dyslexics. According to his teachers, Cole was reading about three years behind his 5th grade peers at this time.

But here he is reading Harry Potter (GL5.5) and doing a fine job with it!!! The difference is, he's looking at the book upside-down. And he continues to read for close to 40 minutes!

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Videos From Other Sites

An old film clip from the 1930's of "inversionist" schoolboy Frank Balek. This just proves that PI reading and writing isn't new - it's just been ignored or strongly discouraged by parents and teachers alike - thus causing much greater problems.

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The Upside-Down Woman

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Suppose you have children who are not PI readers trying to read upside-down? Will it hurt them? Would it hurt you? Watch this video and see...
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