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This book may have been written 40 years ago, but, for the most part, it holds up well today. Because it was written specifically for the classroom teacher, Dr. Jordan affirms that what we see is real - not just our imaginations - and that there are some techniques that we can use in the classroom to make it easier for children on the Dyslexia Spectrum to survive.

Because the book is out of print and fairly difficult to find, I've video-taped a reading so that others may benefit from Dr. Jordan's observations and insight. Just click on the links below...

Mr. Round

Dyslexia in the Classroom, by Dr. Dale R. Jordan, copyright 1972 by Bell & Howell Co. (Used with permission by the author.)
Part 1 -  The Three Faces of Dyslexia

Part 2 - Visual Dyslexia

Part 3 - Auditory Dyslexia and Dysgraphia

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