PI Reading Videos
PI Writing Videos
Simple PI Test
PI Reading Videos
PI Writing Videos
Simple PI Test
To Classroom Teachers
The Research
Action Research
Peer Review of PI Reading and Writing
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Is it OK to Read Upside Down?
My 1st PI Kid
Tiger and Isaiah
Teeco's Story
Dyslexia in the Classroom by Dr.  Dale R. Jordan
PI Links
About me
35+ Different Definitions of Dyslexia From the Web
 If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us. We would like to hear from you. 
This quote is taken directly from correspondence with Davis Dyslexia Association International. 
To see the response in its entirety, please go to MyGuestbook. I could not have said it better...
                                                                                                                         Stephen Round
"We do think that your work is a valuable contribution to the field, and may be 
particularly helpful to classroom teachers who do not have the resources or 
ability to arrange for or wait for outside therapy for their students.   You are 
providing the teachers with a very simple tool -- the permission in their work 
to simply allow students to try reading books that are flipped over and to see 
how it goes  -- which may in itself be a sufficient intervention to prevent some 
children from falling behind in school.  In fact, your approach may be a 
time-saver for some teachers, who will realize that they do not have to 
consistently try to "correct" a child who is holding a book upside down.  
See also http://www.dyslexia.com/library/edart.htm for a look at the harm to 
self-esteem in such situations).

Best regards,
Abigail Marshall
Information Services Director
Davis Dyslexia Association International
Website: http://www.dyslexia.com/ "

Research Underway

Although we are not free at this time to release detailed information, my wife and I are conducting formal research into "Upside Down Reading and Writing" for a very well known and highly regarded university. 

In one Rhode Island School District the study is in its 2nd year, with another district just getting underway, and possibly two more later this Spring. The results are extremely encouraging.

Professional Development

My wife and I have been asked recently to provide professional development to elementary teachers, and we are in the process of putting together a presentation. If you are interested in having us into your school, please e-mail  teacherman9000@aol.com . 

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