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One morning, in the summer of 2010, I just happened to be driving by a small country Christian School not far from my home. I noticed there was a car in the parking lot so, kind of spur-of the-moment, I decided to stop in and introduce myself. The principal, Ms. Colleen Pearl, just happened to be there trying to catch up on some paperwork. I introduced myself as a Providence Elementary schoolteacher who had experience with dyslexic primary students, and I was wondering if she happened to have any bright first or second graders who were exhibiting dyslexic symptoms. She said that it was funny I should ask, because there were two boys in her first grade class who fit that description perfectly. They were inseparable "best friends", and they had one major thing in common - neither could read or write at all. I told her about my previous work with PI and showed her some of my videos. She was fascinated with what she saw and mentioned how wonderful it would be if my techniques could help Tiger and Isaiah. Tiger's mom was actually their First Grade teacher and she was so frustrated that she was at the point where she might be willing to try anything. I proposed that, if the boy's parents agreed to allow me to film our sessions, I would come in on a regular basis and tutor them free of charge. And in the event that it worked, I would have the freedom to use the videos on my website. Needless to say, PI worked wonderfully with both boys and here is the video documentation of their progress. Simply by running your cursor over the pictures you will get a short description of what that video is about. Tiger and Isaiah video collection Enjoy!